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September 21, 2021

An intemperate leader wreaks havoc in lives; you’re smart to stay clear of someone like that.

15 Good-tempered leaders invigorate lives; they’re like spring rain and sunshine.

Proverbs 16: 14-15 The Message

Who do we follow? What kind of leaders are we drawn to? Which ones do we avoid like the plague? Such questions are worth considering, especially since we encounter a variety of leaders in everyday life.

Earlier this month, the entire staff quit at a burrito restaurant. This happened in Macon, Georgia, and the staff posed a sign on the door detailing a list of grievances. Their gripes included low pay, long hours, working too many days in a row without a day off, and a lack of appreciation from management. While it is difficult to know the full circumstances behind such claims, and there are always two sides to any disagreement, it seems like the staff felt the management team failed to exercise good leadership. Apparently, the management team just didn't appreciate the efforts of their staff. So, they all quit!

Jesus did not lead with an iron fist. He did not demand His followers act a certain, rigid way. Instead, He shared parables that invigorated people to want to be the rich soil: the father who threw his arms open to the wayward son, the ones who protected the widows and children. He also showed leadership by eating dinner with people who were “less desirable”, i. e. “sinners” in the eyes of some religious leaders.

Why does leadership matter? All of us are leaders in some way, for others in our lives. Do we invigorate people, like spring rain and sunshine? We ought to, for there is an undeniable and positive power in good leadership. People are drawn to good leaders, and thrive under them.

In our families, in our community, and in every aspect of our lives, let us strive to bring out the best in those around us. Christ showed amazing leadership as he taught and discipled the twelve. We ought to follow his invigorating model of leadership. Let us exercise good leadership skills, even as we follow the one who invited us to follow him, Jesus Christ.


Lord of all,

Help me to love my neighbors, as I follow your great commandment. I ask for your wisdom and guidance as I seek to lead others through my love. Forgive me when I am tempted to lead through intimidation or other unhealthy techniques. Instead, make me a servant leader, like Your son. I pray this prayer in His holy name. Amen.

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