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Devotional: September 15, 2021

Those who are generous are blessed, for they share their bread with the poor.

Proverbs 22: 9 NRSV

When generosity is shown to those who have little or nothing, it is a blessing. Generosity can be a blessing not only for the receiver, but also for the one who gives. Recently, some from our church helped prepare and serve a meal at our local Wenatchee Lighthouse Ministry, which is designed to help the homeless. They learned how many businesses in the food industry help the Lighthouse Ministry by giving them food that isn’t selling, or is about to expire (usually food is good after its expiration date). By giving it to the Lighthouse, it does not become wasted food. It becomes a generous blessing to those who are struggling.

We can always show our generosity, not just with food, but also with our actions. There are organizations in most communities which reach out to the poor, the homeless, and those in abusive relationships. Yet before dealing with these big challenges, having a meal is essential. When we pray the “Lord's prayer”, we pray for the sustenance of food to be provided to us.

This passage doesn’t encourage us to boast of our generosity. I believe that the less noise that is made when we are generous, the more we can feel and hear the Lord being pleased with us.

When we offer our blessings, we should not need or even expect loud praises from others. If we do not get a verbal or written “thank you” from someone, we should still be at peace. The Lord sees our heart, and is thankful for the good choices we make.

The saying, “It is more blessed to give, than to receive” is the core of this passage.

May we seek to bless the Lord always through our generosity. May we give bread to those who are physically hungry, and the spiritual bread Christ offers to all people. It is through the blessings of the bread of life that we are spiritually nourished, and better able to share the bread of sustenance with others.


Lord, forgive me when I hold onto my blessings, keep them to myself, and refuse to share them with others. Thank you for the daily blessings you place in my life. Remind me of all the reasons to give generously. Encourage me to place the needs of others above myself. May I serve as a reminder to others of the bountiful blessings You have for everyone. Help me to step forward in faith, by sharing my blessings with others.

In Your most faithful name I pray, Amen

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