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Devotional: September 11, 2020

Remember every road that God led you on for those forty years in the wilderness, pushing you to your limits, testing you so that he would know what you were made of, whether you would keep his commandments or not.

Deuteronomy 8:2.  The Messate

9-11 is a day which we will never forget. Several years ago, Jeana and I were back in New York City, and went through the 9-11 museum. Throughout the entire museum, there was quiet. People were respectively remembering, grieving, and honoring what had happened on that day of infamy in 2001. It was difficult to see and be reminded of all those images, yet it was also important to be reminded of how our nation came together to heal. I am certain that many of us remember exactly where we were, and exactly what we were doing on 9-11.

The act of remembering is an important one. Throughout the scriptures, we are encouraged to remember how the Lord redeems us. Here, the writer of Deuteronomy urges the Israelites to remember how they were once slaves in Egypt, and then were delivered them from slavery into freedom, until finally they arrived at the Promised Land.

As we remember 9-11, we remember the shock and the terror, but let us also reflect upon how our country came together in the wake of that attack. Remember the American flags, which seemed to sprout everywhere. Remember the many acts of bravery, and sacrifice.  So many are rightfully called heroes as a result of that dreaded day. Remember the spirit of New Yorkers, who would not be defeated by that devastating attack upon their great city. Remember those who were already serving our country while working at the Pentagon. Remember the passengers on United Flight 93, who fought back against their attackers and forced the hijackers to crash the plane in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, soon after passenger Todd Beamer uttered his last words, “Let’s roll.”

Many places of worship were called into a different kind of action. The President called upon our churches to hold prayer services the next day, and we did. Many other churches did so as well. Others opened their church doors, some 24 hours a day, for people to come in and pray. A special service of prayer was held at the National Cathedral, with many of our nation’s leaders in attendance. I remember hearing the comforting and encouraging words of Rev. Billy Graham as he spoke to the high pulpit in that magnificent Gothic cathedral. 

After the Israelites were freed from captivity in Egypt, they spent 40 years traveling  in the wilderness, before entering into the Promised Land. In this scriptural passage, the Lord wants them to remember all that they had gone through in order to reach His goal. The Lord used this time to humble the Israelites, just has the Lord often uses difficult times in our life to humble us. God always wants our hearts to be a place where we remember these things. Then we can draw upon them for strength, when we face difficult times in our own lives. Remembering is scriptural.

As we remember 9-11, and how the Lord helped our nation to heal, it should cause us to kneel in thanks. God brought us through that difficult time, for God is always faithful. He will bring us through other times of difficulty. May we always remember, and give thanks to Almighty God, for his deliverance, and His peace and comfort…


Redeeming God,

We remember, and we give thanks, for the many times You have delivered Your people, and us, from sin, and from difficult and challenging times. As our nation remembers the attack on our country today, we offer You our deepest gratitude for walking with us through times of challenge and of pain. Thank you for Your amazing deliverance, and for hope which overcomes defeat. May we always be grateful for Your redemption, and Your deliverance. We pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. 


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