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Devotional: November 19, 2020

On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence.

3 Know this: God is God, and God, God. He made us; we didn’t make him. We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.

4 Enter with the password: “Thank you!” Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him.

5 For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever.

Psalm 100 The Message

In some bible versions, Psalm 100 is entitled, “A Thanksgiving Psalm”. An attitude of thankfulness characterizes this entire short Psalm.

The Psalmist encourages us to offer thanksgiving to the Lord in the form of applause, laughter, singing, praise, worship, and words of gratitude.

Why offer praise to the Lord? This Psalm gives us a few concrete examples of reasons to worship the Lord. Here are a few:

-God created us

-God always welcomes us, and makes us feel at home

-God’s ways are full of beauty

-God’s love is generous, and unconditional

-God’s love will never end

-God is loyal to us, even when we are disloyal to Him

Even in the midst of less than perfect circumstances, when we cannot sing in church, there is much for which to be thankful.

When was the last time you offered up thanks to the Lord? Not just a prayer of thanks before a meal? I am talking about genuine thanksgiving, where you dig deep, and realize that things that seem ordinary and routine, are big blessings.

What specific blessings come to mind when you consider God’s love?

What is your preferred way of expressing your thankfulness to the Lord? Applause, laughter, singing, praise, worship, and words of gratitude are only a few of the many ways. Others express their thanks by journaling, painting pictures, or performing acts of service to others. What is your “love language” to express your thankfulness to God?

In this season of thanksgiving, let us offer our grateful praise and thankfulness to the Lord. We are His people, and His well-tended sheep…



I want to thank you for the things which seem ordinary and common. For the things which are surprises, and a delight. For difficult things that you bring me through. With each step I take, may I truly find the blessings you intend for me. With gratitude in my heart, I pray this prayer in Your Holy name. Amen.

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