Our Savior Jesus poured out new life so generously. God’s gift has restored our relationship with him and given us back our lives. And there’s more life to come—an eternity of life! You can count on this.
Titus 3: 7-8 The Message
Not too long ago, we found a package of travel wipes in our car which had been forgotten. They were so dry because any moisture within the pack had completely evaporated. They were no longer “moist towelettes”, because they were totally dry.
Rather than throw them away, we decided to add some water to the package. Within a few minutes, the water poured into package completely revived all of the towelettes within. No longer dry as a bone, they were restored to their original texture, and usefulness.
Jesus does the same thing for us. Our sin has the effect of leaving us parched. Yet Jesus poured out his life, for our sakes. This sacrificial act of our Lord and Savior is remembered every time we serve communion, where we “pour out” the wine or juice to remember Christ’s blood.
When Christ poured out His life for ours, our relationship with God was immediately restored, completely. Prior to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, humanity’s relationship with God was cut off by sin. It was a long dry spell. Unfortunately, that dry spell continues for those who have not accepted Jesus into their hearts…
Jesus, who characterizes Himself as Living Water, can restore our souls. He refreshes our relationship with God the Father. No longer does that relationship feel like a dried-up old bone, or a stiff towelette. No! Instead, we are restored, and cleansed, and ready to serve. Praise be to God! Amen.
God of Resurrection power,
So often, life wears me out. I confess that my sin can cause my relationships to suffer. Some have withered to the point of being non-existent. Yet You are a God of resurrections, and new life. Therefore, restore me. Restore my relationship with You when I forget to call upon you in the difficult times. Through Your spirit living within me, may all my relationships be restored, and renewed. I pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.
