11 Keep up your reputation, God; Forgive my bad life; It’s been a very bad life.
16 Look at me and help me! I’m all alone and in big trouble.
18 Take a hard look at my life of hard labor, Then lift this ton of sin.
20 Keep watch over me and keep me out of trouble; Don’t let me down when I run to you.
21 Use all your skill to put me together; I wait to see your finished product.
22 God, give your people a break From this run of bad luck.
Psalm 25, selected verses The Message
Sometimes raw, unbridled emotions come through certain Psalms. Psalm 25 is one of those Psalms filled with the Psalmist’s frustration. When we read this Psalm, we have the sense that everything is falling apart for the writer.
This Psalm speaks of “a run of bad luck,” “a very bad life”, “I’m in big trouble”, and elsewhere in the Psalm, “Many people hate me.” The overall feeling of the Psalmist is that the wheels of his life are falling off. Everything is falling apart. Every aspect of life has gone from bad to worse. One senses that the Psalmist’s life is careening out of control.
Nonetheless, the Psalmist clings to faith in God. He believes that God can put everything back together, including every aspect of his life. In spite of feeling alone, the author knows that God is with him. Thus he prays to the Lord, having absolute confidence in how everything will turn around, and end up alright.
Verse 25 speaks of the Psalmist’s hope, even in the midst of a very difficult situation. “Use all your skill to put me together; I wait to see your finished product.” How wonderful it is that the Psalmist trusts God to put his life back together, even when it is broken in many ways, and in many places.
Do we trust that God has the power to mend what is broken in our lives? Do we trust God to put all the pieces together, when life seems to break us apart?
This Psalm reminds us that no matter how broken we are, no matter how desperate our situation, and no matter how many people and circumstances seem to stack up against us, God can pull us through.
We have a God who was able to resurrect His Son. Why then would He not be able to resurrect our broken lives? Why not trust him to put the fractured pieces of your life back together? It is what He does the best. It is why thousands flocked to Jesus for healing: because when the world breaks us, God heals us. Hallelujah!
Holy Lord,
When I see only the scattered pieces of my life, You see the finished puzzle. Help me to turn to You to put my life together. Mend me, so that I may be healed, to become a witness to others. Help me to overcome my fear of trusting You. Thank you for Your deep and loyal love for me. May I have the same intensity of Love towards You, and others whose lives are broken.
I pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen
