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Devotional: November 11, 2021

Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”

Joshua 1: 9 The Message

Today is Veteran’s Day, a day on which we honor all who fought for our country in our armed forces. The day is a national holiday, marked by parades, special services, and other opportunities to show respect and gratitude for all those who have devoted part of their life to protect our nation.

These words from Joshua seem appropriate for Veteran’s Day. The verbiage includes terms like “strength”, and “courage,” which can be associated with fighting a military battle. They have a wider application than just the military, for many of us need strength, courage, perseverance in other realms of life.

Joshua offered these encouraging words to the Israelites just before they entered the promised land. They were a sort of “pep talk” for an approaching military engagement. Joshua knew the Israelites would be encountering resistance, and he wanted them to be ready and prepared.

Besides exhorting the Israelites to be strong and courageous, Joshua reminds them of a fundamental truth: God will be with them! The Lord will be right beside them, literally with every step that they take.

Today our nation sets aside time to reflect and appreciate all those who felt the call to serve and protect our country, just like the warriors in Joshua’s day. On this Veteran’s Day, I would encourage you to find the time to show your appreciation to a veteran. Make a phone call, go to an event, or lift up a prayer of thanksgiving for the veterans you know, as well as all veterans.

We ought to show respect for those who have possessed the strength, courage, and determination to serve our nation. God was with Joshua on the day of his battle, and God was and is present with all those who call upon Him, regardless of where and when they fight their own battles.


Lord of all,

Thank you, Holy God, for all who have blessed me in various ways. Thank you especially for those who allow me to live in the freedom of this country. Help me to not take them for granted. Remind me to be grateful, especially for those who bless me in ways I may not even be aware of. Bless each and every Veteran on this very special day. I pray this prayer in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.

PS 30 Days of Gratitude Special Question:

What is a freedom for which you are thankful?

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