On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’ …
11Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.
John 2: 1-3, 11 NRSV
Firsts are significant. A baby’s first steps. The first time a teenager drives a motor vehicle. The first day of work at a new job. An angler’s first fish. A climber’s first ascent to a summit. If “firsts” are significant, what does it mean for Jesus’ first miracle to take place at a wedding in Cana of Galilee?
A careful reading of the story reveals that it did not seem like Jesus went to the wedding intending to perform a miracle. In fact, when His mother spoke to him about the wine being in short supply (a major social faux pas), Jesus responded by saying, “My hour has not yet come.”
Weddings are a forum for hospitality, and here the need was significant. A Middle Eastern wedding in that culture spanned several days. Most likely, they had not finished the celebration. Thus, Jesus told the stewards to fill up the water purification jars with water. He then instructs them to draw some out, then to take it to the wine steward. The wine steward proclaimed, “Most serve the good wine first, and the poor wine later, but you have saved the best wine for last!”
This miracle tells us that Jesus did not come here to take away from our joyous celebrations, but rather to enhance them. He does not arrive to take something away from us, but to offer us gifts and blessings far better than we could have ever imagined. And when Jesus arrives in our lives, we should look at Him and exclaim, “The best has arrived, for God only offers us His very best!”
As Jesus blessed a wedding in Cana, He also desires to bless our lives with abundance. When the Lord arrives in our heart, He wants to fill us with the joy and celebration His presence can provide. Now, this does not mean that our life is guaranteed to be full of external celebrations. The meaning is that we can be filled with spiritual celebrations. With the Lord present in our lives, He will be with us through all those firsts, seconds, and more. He will also give us the strength when celebrating is not happening. The Lord will comfort us when we go through times of mourning, and He will strengthen us during hardships.
God’s timing and our timing may not be the same. Our devotional the other day spoke about waiting upon the Lord, and how we think we can set our clocks to His timeline. No matter how large or small, He hears us calling out. Jesus sees the needs of our hearts. He knows when and where and how our needs ought to be answered. Bring all you have to offer to the Lord, and believe in Him. Jesus’s mother had not yet seen Jesus perform a miracle, but she already knew His power. May we have that same trust and faith in Him.
Thank You, Lord, for traveling with me through every step of my life. Help me to reach out and accept all that You have to offer. May my actions demonstrate to others my faith in You. Help me to be patient, and accept Your timing. Help me to trust that you know what I need, and when I need it. May I celebrate Your abundant presence in my life. I pray this prayer in the name of Your son, who turned water into wine, Jesus Christ. Amen
