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Devotional: July 1, 2021

For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline.

2 Timothy 1: 7 English Revised Version

Fear is the fuel which feeds many media headlines. Worry and even panic over the state of affairs in the world seems to sell newspapers, and generate page views. Far too many people live their lives like Chicken Little, just waiting for the sky to fall on them. Others allow fear to control their lives. Never taking a risk because of fear, they risk missing out on what the Lord wants for them.

Yet our Lord and Savior does not desire for us to be fearful. Although we are cautioned to be careful, and wise, we are not told to be fearful. Instead, we are given encouragement to trust in the Lord, knowing that He watches over us, protecting us, directing us, and encouraging us.

We do not have to be fearful because God is powerful: more powerful than anything we might fear. Not only that, but He loves us! God is looking out for our best interests, and He knows us better than we know ourselves.

So why give in to fear? Nearly every time a person encounters an angel in the scriptures, the first words out of the mouth of the angel are, “Do not be afraid!”

Let us live our lives trusting in the Lord, with a spirit of power, and love, and discipline…


God of love,

When the world scares us, or when negative events happen which are outside of our control, we easily become fearful because we have no control. Yet we know that Your son is the Prince of Peace, not of panic. Therefore, calm us down, and help us to be mindful of Your power, Your love, and Your good plan for our lives: plans to make us prosper. I pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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