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Devotional: January 4, 2022


Updated: Jan 6, 2022

From east to west, from dawn to dusk, keep lifting all your praises to God! God is higher than anything and anyone, outshining everything you can see in the skies. Who can compare with God, our God, so majestically enthroned, Surveying his magnificent heavens and earth?

Psalm 113: 3-6 The Message

The Psalmist King David is absolutely exuberant in this Psalm. He encourages us to keep lifting praise to God all day long, wherever we are. David’s enthusiasm reveals a deep spiritual truth: our God is so magnificent, powerful, and great that He deserves to be praised at all times, in every place!

The Psalm then shifts to a familiar measure of greatness: great heights. Many in our world are rightly awed at the mountains. We live in a geographically spectacular part of the county. There is something about getting higher than the surrounding terrain which is refreshing, and even breath-taking! On a clear day, the panoramic view from the top of Mission Ridge runs from Ellensburg to the South, Mount Rainier to the West, to the Columbia River running through the heart of the Wenatchee Valley to the north. Plus, I often glimpse Mount Stuart, Glacier Peak, and Mount Adams on snowmobile rides there. Stupendous vistas in our own backyard!

King David asserts that God is higher than any other authority upon this earth! We live in a hierarchical world, divided into various levels of authority and power. We speak of District Courts, State Courts, and at the highest level in our nation, the Supreme Court. The power of the higher court always surpasses, and can overturn a ruling of a lower courts. Yet God Almighty’s authority exceeds even the very highest earthly authority, and His power dwarfs even the greatest human achievement!

On these clear cold winter days, take in everything which shines and reflects our Lord's majesty. He has placed around us the beauty of creation, to inspire us. Each part of this world should remind us that the Lord reigns over all that we see. This is true from the moment your feet hit the floor, to the time you close your eyes each night. Let us praise Him for every blessing, and for His amazing love for us, and all creation. There is no higher authority, with no greater love for us, and no better plan for our life, than His very own! Hallelujah! and Amen.


Lord God Almighty,

Forgive me when I pass through the day and have neglected to praise you for your constant companionship and love for me. You are worthy of praise each and every day! Encourage me. Guide me to be aware of the space you provide for me to lift my eyes up to You. Hear me as I lift my praise to You this day! I love You, Lord! Receive my praise and adoration of You! I pray this prayer in the name of Your Son, my Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

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