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Devotional: January 24, 2022

God’s Message comes from Jerusalem. He’ll settle things fairly between nations. He’ll make things right between many peoples. They’ll turn their swords into shovels, their spears into hoes. No more will nation fight nation; they won’t play war anymore. Come, family of Jacob, let’s live in the light of God.

Isaiah 2: 3-5 The Message

This vision from the prophet Isaiah is inspiring for the people of Israel. Over the course of their history, they had known much war, and unrest. Israel’s location was at the crossroads of many larger nations. Therefore, it had often been subject to invasions and pressure from them.

The prophet speaks about the instruments of war (swords and spears) being transformed into peaceful building and gardening tools (shovels and hoes). Today, of course, our weapons are much more destructive, yet they are still weapons. The meaning is the same, telling of an eventual future when nations will not even think about war any more. Peace will be every nation’s agenda!

Currently the news is telling us of a potential war that could take place with Ukraine and Russia. As I write this devotional, there is a huge amount of concern and U.S. personnel being withdrawn from Ukraine. There is a possibility of our own military going there. We need to be praying for peace with these countries. May cooler heads prevail!

These words from Isaiah do tell us what the future will eventually hold for Christians: peace! We are given hope. We don’t know exactly how, or when peace will reign, for this is God’s decision. Uncertainty creates anxiety, worry, and fear. Yet the fact that peace will win out in the end should help us realize that we must trust in the Lord. May we know that His promises are certain, and we are to trust Him.

There can be no doubt that our God is a God of peace. His greatest desire is that we love one another. Someday, every instrument of war will be transformed into an instrument of peace. May we find comfort in this promise, as pray for its fulfillment.

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.”

2 Thessalonians 3: 16


The words from this hymn are a wonderful prayer we can all pray (and even sing)

Instruments of Your Peace,

Lord, make us instruments of Your peace Where there is hatred let Your love increase Lord make us instruments of Your peace Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease When we are Your instruments of peace

Where there is hatred, we will sow His love Where there is injury, we will never judge Where there is striving, we will speak His peace To the people crying for release We will be His instruments of peace.

Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight Where there is darkness, we will shine His light Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief To the millions crying for release We will be His instruments of peace.

We pray this prayer in the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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