“You relentlessly pursue me, Jesus-
To focus me, to get me back on the path of right living,
So that I can fulfill my destiny.”
Songs of Songs 2: 14
This Song of Songs is unique in the scriptures. It does not speak of God’s law, or God’s covenant. It does not chronicle the history of Israel. Nor is it a letter to churches, or to an individual. Instead, it is poetry. Specifically, it is romantic poetry between a man and a woman who passionately love one another.
Sometimes called, “The Song of Solomon” or “The Canticle of Solomon”, the book contains descriptive imagery, which is often drawn from the world of nature.
So why is this book included in the scriptures? From the time of an early church scholar named Origen Adamantius, (died in 254AD) of Alexandria, the Song of Songs has been viewed as an allegory for the relationship between Christ and the church. In other words, it is a love poem celebrating the deep and meaningful love between Jesus and His church, which is sometimes called “the Bride of Christ.”
In this particular verse, the female lover is crediting the male with getting her back on the right path, so that together, they can fulfill their destiny. (This particular translation uses the specific name of Christ, but that is an interpretation which is not specified in many other translations. It might be that this version ought to be considered a paraphrase, rather than a strict translation).
In this week leading up to Valentine’s Day, many are considering the topic of romantic love. This verse is descriptive of something much deeper and more powerful than just romantic love between a man and woman.
Here, the scripture is speaking of a spiritual passion which is being pursued. A relentless passion that is never ever going to give up another as “lost”. This love is unconditional. It is the kind of passion which only Christ can exhibit. Jesus loves so completely because He does not want us to stray from the path of living a life that embraces us, and brings us closer to Him.
Not long ago, I read about one successful Hollywood actor who credited his then-girlfriend, now-wife’s insistence that he chose either her, or drugs. Her love and passion for his well-being was the “forced choice” which he said helped to save his life. The love of another human being can help save us on this earth, but only Christ can save our souls.
The truth is that God loves us intensely. He is deeply intentional about His unconditional love. The Lord wants the very best for us. God’s perfect love finds expression in His pursuing us down every path which would lead us astray.
This verse from the Song of Songs reminds us of the famous 13th chapter of First Corinthians, sometimes known as “the Love chapter”. Here the Apostle Paul defines love in memorable terms, writing that love “always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”
First Corinthians 13: 7-8a
This day, rejoice in the incredible news that God never gives up on us. His love for us is consistent, unconditional, and never wavers. Jesus literally went to hell and back for us. There is no greater love than that. Therefore, may you find joy in God’s love for you, now and always...
Thank You Lord, for never holding back Your love to me. Forgive me when I fall far short in loving others, even though I know that I am to love them, as You have loved me. Help me to remember the unconditional love You have shown to me. May I follow Your path, and show others the kind of love You provide for me each and every moment of my life.
Lovingly I pray this prayer in name of the one who showed us Your love, Your son and my Savior, Jesus Christ, Am