“Time’s coming”—God’s Decree— “when I’ll establish a truly righteous David-Branch, A ruler who knows how to rule justly. He’ll make sure of justice and keep people united. In his time Judah will be secure again and Israel will live in safety. This is the name they’ll give him: ‘God-Who-Puts-Everything-Right.’
Jeremiah 23: 5-6 The Message
Jeremiah lived in a challenging time. The government was corrupt, and the people had turned against God. Children were even being sacrificed to the false God Baal. The nation was surrounded by hostile powers. Jeremiah’s words pronouncing God’s judgment upon his country were not well received, so much so that the people threatened to take his life. He was thrown into a cistern, and imprisoned. Suffering from both imprisonment and grief over the people abandoning God, Jeremiah earned was given the nickname, “The weeping prophet.”
Yet, Jeremiah never lost his faith in God. Here in this passage, Jeremiah boldly proclaims that in the fullness of time, God will make everything right. Instead of the present injustice, God will bring about justice. Rather than the precarious insecurity of the present moment, Jeremiah envisions a time when there will be security forever.
More than anything else, Jeremiah promises us that God will make everything right, and that the people will live in safety. In spite of how terribly wrong everything was at the moment he wrote, Jeremiah promised that the Lord would eventually provide salvation and safety. It will not come from the people saving themselves-No! Victory and salvation will come from God alone, and from the “righteous branch”.
From our perspective, we know that this future branch would be Jesus Christ: the Messiah, and the Lord and Savior of His people. He is called the “David-branch” because Jesus’s earthly lineage can be traced back to King David.
Even in the midst of challenges, there is good news: God is more powerful than all which is wrong in the world. Out of Jesus’s pure love for us, He will make all things right in His time. This is why He is called the “God who puts everything right.”
As we look at the world right now, and watch what is happening in Ukraine, we must cling to hopeful scriptural passages like this one. Even in the eye of the hurricane, God is still present. Some Christians in Ukraine must feel powerless, and very afraid. Yet we must pray fiercely for them, and for peace. Sometimes, things may look hopeless. Yet this scripture, written long before our present conflicts, is still relevant today. God sent us Jesus. Through Him, all can have spiritual peace. The Lord promises us that someday, there will be peace within all lands. Praise God for His faithful promises.
All-powerful God,
There are times when I find life challenging, and find it easier to count what’s wrong, than what’s right. Yet when I get discouraged, remind me of Your power, Your love, and Your plan. Forgive me when I try to fix what is wrong in my life without seeking your guidance and direction. Even in the darkest night, and on the saddest day, You promise to put everything right, in Your time. With a thankful heart, I pray this prayer in the name of the righteous branch, my Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
PS. My schedule of sending out devotions has changed. Rather than aiming for five days per week, devotions will be sent out three days per week. I am making this change due to my schedule. With the gradual re-opening of pandemic restrictions, I find myself with more responsibilities. While I welcome the return to normalcy, I am finding the need to let go of some of the things I first adopted during the pandemic, like producing this devotional each weekday. Therefore, it will be sent out three times a week. Exactly which three days each week will vary, but I will aim to nurture you spiritually with a devotional three times each week. Thank you in advance for your understanding…
