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Devotional: August 27, 2020


Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

         First Peter 5: 7   New Living Translation

Have you made a mental list of all of your worries and anxieties?  For many of us, the list might be quite long. Our news carries reports about a powerful hurricane making landfall in Texas and Louisiana, riots in parts of our country, national economic and personal financial challenges, relational needs, job security, matters around education and of course, health concerns. Your list most likely includes some of these concerns, as well as what is going on in your own personal life. 

Many of us are carrying around lots of worries. We know that the Lord encourages us not to worry. However, that is easier said than done. Our concerns and worries can feel overwhelming! The burden of carrying all these things can sometimes make one feel emotionally paralyzed. 

Often, we may try  to “help God out” by shouldering these cares and worries by ourselves. Yet look at our scripture. Does it say, “Give SOME of your cares and worries to God”?  No, it does not say that. The Word of God commands us to give “ALL of our cares and worries to God.”  Every single matter which concerns us, and weighs us down.

Why should we give our worries and concerns to the Lord? Because God asks us to. If we are asked to do something of such great magnitude, doesn't it seem wise to take God up on His offer?

I once came across a plaque which said, “Turn over to God those cares which keep you up at night. Why?  God is going to be up all night anyway!”  While humorous, this plaque points out a truth: God can do far more about our worries and concerns than we can. Therefore, we might as well turn them over to the One who is really in charge: The Creator of the heavens, and the earth.

There are stories in the scriptures of women who would go to the village well for water. Once their water jars were filled, they would return homes, often being exhausted from the burden of carrying such weight. 

In the same way, we often carry heavy burdens. Yet unlike the women at the well who needed to get to the safety of their physical homes, we need to realize that we can be safe with Christ as our home. On top of that, He wants to carry those heavy clay jars of water for us! Christ wants us to pour out all the concerns in our lives, down to the last drop, into the jars that He is offering to carry for us.  

Every stress, worry, fear, concern, and whatever else is weighing us down can be poured into the jars which Christ wants to carry for us. We have the strength of the Lord, right at our fingertips. He asks us to let Him be the strength in our lives. Let Him bear those heavy concerns. He wants us to trust Him with each and every burden which comes our way. 

So when sleep does not come easy, or the world looks as if it cannot heal itself, reach out to Christ. He already hears your cries, and is waiting for you to ask for help. We may not always see the results as quickly as we would wish, but if everything happens according to His timeline, we can rest knowing He really does have the whole world in His hands.

Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’

         Matthew 11: 28-30     NRSV



When the burdens in our lives make us feel like we cannot even take one more step forward, help us to remember You. Remind us of Your promises from the scriptures, especially Your promise to take care of us when we turn our lives and all our cares and concerns over to You. Thank you for Your assurance. Be gentle, and hold us close, caring for all that cries from our hearts. Thank You for wanting to do the heavy lifting in our lives. May we turn all of our burdens over to You. We pray this prayer in Your most Faithful name. Amen

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