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Devotional: August 2, 2021

I lie down and sleep; I wake again, for the Lord sustains me.

Psalm 3: 5

I will both lie down and sleep in peace; for you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety.

Psalm 4: 8

Anxiety and worry can keep us up at night. In fact, we use the phrase “losing sleep” as a euphemism for worrying about something.

The Psalmist sees faith as helpful in getting a good night’s sleep. In Psalm 3 and many other Psalms, enemies are a constant threat. Yet the Psalmist leans into his faith, trusting that God will watch over him, and all of his concerns, while he is slumbering. He knows the Lord will keep him safe.

Some have said that waking up each morning is a tiny miracle. This sentiment seems to build on Psalm 3, where the Psalmist sees God’s sustaining power behind his ability to wake up, each and every morning.

Sleep is the process of our bodies restoring themselves for whatever challenges might come our way each new day. It is the same with prayer. Our daily prayers, and time spent with the Lord, restore our soul.

My hope and prayer for you is that the Lord will grant you the ability to fully sleep in peace, regardless of the chaos or confusion in our world.


Holy and loving Lord,

Like the Psalmist, I know there are many concerns and threats which could cause me to fret and worry. However, I know that you are a God of peace. Therefore, give me a peaceful night’s sleep, each and every night, so that I might be at my best, and be able to serve you faithfully. I pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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