Do everything in love.
First Corinthians 16: 4
Sometimes, we make things overly complicated. Yet here, in the space of four words, the Apostle Paul lays out a goal for each and every person: do everything in love.
We have often heard that “actions speak louder than words”. Here, the apostle makes it very simple for us, DO everything in love. Sometimes our words get in our way. Our actions however, are just as important, and sometimes more important. It can be easy to give “lip service”, but when it gets down to the nitty gritty, it is how we act that backs up what we say.
This is such a worthy goal, precisely because so many people do not even attempt it. The majority of humanity would never consider aiming for love to infuse their every action.
Many aim to do some things in love. That is good, and even commendable. Yet for we who follow Christ, it is not enough. We should aim to DO EVERYTHING in love.
When you are truly following the Lord’s command, to love everyone, then you should want to follow up your words with your actions. The two really do go hand in hand. We cannot say we love without showing it, and often we cannot show we love without saying it.
Certainly, there are times when saying the words, “I love you”, are not comfortable, or even necessary. This is why our actions are part of the balance.
When others see Christians acting in a loving manner, especially in difficult circumstances, it can often begin to stoke their curiosity. The opposite can also be true. When we say we are a Christian, and our actions do not add up to what we say, we may fall short of being that testimony that the Lord wants us to be. Jesus’ biggest complaint about the Pharisees was their hypocrisy: the poor actions did not match their good words.
Our world is starved for love. Love is the most powerful force in the world. Love finds a way through difficult situations where forward progress seemed impossible.
We love, because God first loved us. Therefore, let us aim to do everything-every single thing in our lives-with love.
After all, the Apostle Paul also said, “And now faith, hope, and love remain, but the greatest of these is love.” First Corinthians 13: 13
Dear Lord, thank You for loving me, even when I feel like I am not worthy of it. Forgive me when my actions and words do not honor You. Help me when I struggle with loving everyone, and not just those who are easy to love. May I be the person that creates curiosity as to who You are, in those who do not know You. I pray this prayer in Your Holy name. Amen.
Do everything in love.
First Corinthians 16: 4
Sometimes, we make things overly complicated. Yet here, in the space of four words, the Apostle Paul lays out a goal for each and every person: do everything in love.
We have often heard that “actions speak louder than words”. Here, the apostle makes it very simple for us, DO everything in love. Sometimes our words get in our way. Our actions however, are just as important, and sometimes more important. It can be easy to give “lip service”, but when it gets down to the nitty gritty, it is how we act that backs up what we say.
This is such a worthy goal, precisely because so many people do not even attempt it. The majority of humanity would never consider aiming for love to infuse their every action.
Many aim to do some things in love. That is good, and even commendable. Yet for we who follow Christ, it is not enough. We should aim to DO EVERYTHING in love.
When you are truly following the Lord’s command, to love everyone, then you should want to follow up your words with your actions. The two really do go hand in hand. We cannot say we love without showing it, and often we cannot show we love without saying it.
Certainly, there are times when saying the words, “I love you”, are not comfortable, or even necessary. This is why our actions are part of the balance.
When others see Christians acting in a loving manner, especially in difficult circumstances, it can often begin to stoke their curiosity. The opposite can also be true. When we say we are a Christian, and our actions do not add up to what we say, we may fall short of being that testimony that the Lord wants us to be. Jesus’ biggest complaint about the Pharisees was their hypocrisy: the poor actions did not match their good words.
Our world is starved for love. Love is the most powerful force in the world. Love finds a way through difficult situations where forward progress seemed impossible.
We love, because God first loved us. Therefore, let us aim to do everything-every single thing in our lives-with love.
After all, the Apostle Paul also said, “And now faith, hope, and love remain, but the greatest of these is love.” First Corinthians 13: 13
Dear Lord, thank You for loving me, even when I feel like I am not worthy of it. Forgive me when my actions and words do not honor You. Help me when I struggle with loving everyone, and not just those who are easy to love. May I be the person that creates curiosity as to who You are, in those who do not know You. I pray this prayer in Your Holy name. Amen.